Academic Committee – Minutes of Meeting
Chairperson : Dr. Roshni
Secretary : Dr. Thanisha
Date : 12/11/2021
Venue : Principal Office
Minutes recorded by :Dr. Thanisha
- Minutes to be verified in 24hrs after receiving draft MOM
- Once finalized after 24hrs there will be no changes in the minutes
1 For monitoring the academic activity happening in each department
2 Time frame work for submission of data compiled from each department
Objectives of academic monitoring cell
1 To improve implementation of the curriculum with effective teaching learning methodology
2 Monitoring of implementation of curriculum through academic monitoring cell to support learning for students
3 Formulate needed training program for faculty for effective implementation of UG curriculum
*Preschedule report of academic activity for each year to be made and handed over before every month
*The data of academic activities in each department and theory classes to be collected in a given format on weekly basic by academic coordinator nominated by heads of each department .The data to be done as a hard copy initially . All the data should be signed by concerned head of department.
*The data compiled will be collected by the academic convener from each department on a weekly basis and submitted to the principal through the UG curriculum chairperson .First date of submission 22nd November.
*The first two weeks reports shall be collected in printed or handwritten format, which would later be converted to googlr form.
*Meeting of all academic coordinators will be held every month . The meeting was finalized based on outputs from all the academic coordinators and will be presided by chairperson Dr.Roshni in presence of principal
*Decision for feedback forms from students to be discussed later