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The department of Microbiology in MES Dental College undertakes Academic, Diagnostic and Research activities. The Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology is a fast growing one and contributes to the welfare of patients by early diagnosis of infectious diseases, thereby helping the clinicians in initiating treatment without delay and reducing hospital stay of patients.

Academic activities:

The department is involved in the teaching and training of B.D.S students. The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Microbiology is to provide an understanding of the natural history of infectious diseases in order to deal with the etiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and control of infections in the community. At the end of the course the student shall acquire adequate knowledge, necessary skill and integrate them to understand infectious diseases of national importance in relation to clinical, therapeutic and preventive aspects.
The department is adequately equipped with infrastructural facilities, instruments equipment’s as per DCI and University Regulations. The lecture halls made air-conditioned and sound proof are available in the common pool and provided with audio-visual teaching aids like LCD projector, OHP, microphone, chalk boards etc. The department also has demonstration room, seminar room, faculty and nonteaching staff rooms, students’ laboratory, museum, library etc.

Diagnostic facilities :
The department is well equipped with diagnosing bacteriological, virological, mycological, and parasitological diseases. In the service lab the following investigations are routinely done
Bacteriological :
Culture and sensitivity of blood, urine, sputum, body fluids, stool, pus etc. Smear study using various staining methods like Gram’s, Z.N, Albert’s, India Ink Etc. Blood culture by automated method-BACTEC 9050 enabling detection of blood stream infection as early as possible
Mycobacterial : Culture and AFB smear study
Mycological : Fungal culture, KOH and LPCB smear study
Parasitological: Blood smear for hematological parasites and stool study for parasitic ova, cyst,larvae etc.
Virological : HIV, HBV, HCV, Anti-HAV IgM, Anti HBS, Dengue- Ig G, Ig M and NS1Ag, Inf. Mono.
Serological: Widal, VDRL (RPR), TPHA, Lepto Ig M & IgG, ASO, CRP, RA, Weil-Felix, Malaria.
Immunological: ANA, ANA profile, Anti ds DNA, C3 & C4 estimation, Ig G, Ig M, & Ig  E estimation.

Surveillance for routine sterility checks and hospital environment, bacteriological analysis of water from hospital sources is also being done.
Instruments & Equipment’s: BACTEC 9050, Turbidometry, Chemiluminiscence, electrophoresis, ELISA reader, deep freezer, biosafety cabinet, refrigerators, VDRL shaker, Water bath and other items necessary for carrying out the various tests are available. Other contributions: The department is also actively involved in the hospital infection control programme and carries out passive and active surveillance. The department takes part in RNTCP and houses a service lab for sputum examination with a technician posted for the purpose by the government.



 Dr. Syed Mustaq Ahamed
Professor & HOD

 Dr. Sumitha Rajeevan Associate Professor

 Mrs. Arya B
Assistant Professor

 Dr. Shakir V P A
Assistant Professor

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